Emily Holthuis
Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
In September 2022, I joined the group Husson and van der Graaf as a PhD student at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Here, my project focuses on the diagnostic pathway and Quality of life in sarcoma patients. To do so, I aim to: (1) quantify diagnostic intervals (including patient, general practitioner, hospital and system delay) and evaluate routes to diagnosis, (2) evaluate risk factors (including but not limited to demographic, socioeconomic, clinical, psychosocial and health care system) of diagnostic delay, (3) determine the association between diagnostic delay and outcomes (health-related quality of life, patient satisfaction, tumour stage, progression free survival and overall survival), (4) compare diagnostic delay, referral pathways, determinants and outcomes between The Netherlands and England. Furtherore, I also aim to describe how real-world data can be used during different phases of the sarcoma patient journey namely, the diagnostic, the treatment, and the follow-up phase, to address clinically relevant research questions and to describe the challenges that are associated with RWD usage in sarcoma research.
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Thursday, November 2, 2023
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM