Professor of pediatric oncology
University hospital of Strasbourg and UMR CNRS 7021, France
Natacha Entz-Werlé, is a professor of Pediatrics since 2009. Trainee in Oncology subspecialty, she was graduated in 2001 (DESC), and became an expert in pediatric oncology. She is gathering both clinical and scientific expertise based on her past scientific, clinical, and educational training. She obtained her MD in 1999 and her PhD in 2002. After her post-doctoral fellowship in 2006 at SickKids hospital in Toronto in the teams of Sylvain Baruchel (Lab program on
anti-angiogenesis), she was starting to structure and lead the regional program of bone and brain tumor management in Alsace region to create with colleague in the field a specific therapeutic network to optimize patient care. She is working jointly in pediatric hemato-oncological department at University Hospital of Strasbourg and in UMR CNRS 7021 – team Tumor signaling and therapeutic targets. She also took part of the initiation and construction of the pediatric investigation clinic focusing on pediatric oncology trials. Her translational research program is based notably on osteosarcoma modeling and rug testing to propose novel therapeutic strategies.